Problemi PIII 1,13Ghz

Problemi PIII 1,13Ghz

di pubblicata il , alle 08:56 nel canale Uncategorized
Tom's Hardware ha pubblicato un secondo articolo su tale cpu; dopo aver ricevuto il nuovo microcode, che sembrava necessario per far funzionare la cpu stabilmente, essa ha rivelato la stessa instabilità mostrata in precedenza. Il problema è stato sperimentato anche da Kyle Bennet di HardOCP, mentre altri recensori hardware non hanno avuto problemi; alcune cpu in vendita (si trattava di release ufficiali e non preliminari) difettose quindi? Tom ha perciò contattato Intel e pubblicato la sua risposta; trovate il resto e ulteriori dettagli nell'articolo pubblicato a questo indirizzo

Two days ago Intel has released a new high-end processor and already now two samples seem to be faulty. One of them is either still in Kyle's possession or on its way back to Satan Clara, the other one is in my possession. I doubt that much more than 20-30 test samples were shipped to the press. Two of them makes 7-10% of the lot. If the percentage of faulty parts is just as high in the shipments to the OEMs Intel has got a major disaster at hands.

I just wonder, was that really worth it? Couldn't the world have done just fine without the new Pentium III 1.13 GHz? Couldn't have Intel done without another little scandal? Let's see, maybe Intel is right and Kyle's as well as my Pentium III 1.13 GHz sample were indeed the only faulty ones. It's up to you to decide if you believe that and it's up to Intel to find out what's the reason behind those buggy parts.

The one fact remains:

Something is wrong with Intel's new Pentium III 1.13 GHz processor
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